He said, however, that the next generation is more capable of handling up to 5 channels of media simultaneously. So, our children can play a video game, text message, surf the net, IM or chat with someone online, and talk on the telephone and still retain the majority of information. It slowed me down to realize how much more our children and grandchildren will be exposed to just because of the capacity of technology.
I'm not sure I could ever manage that many channels of information at once. I think I need music on in the background while I work, just so I tune out other channels of information, so I can concentrate. I listen to about 20 hours of CDs I've bought over the years, all stored on my hard drive and set to play in random order. They range from Christian Artists on the WOW Collections to individual artists including: Mercy Me, Newsboys, Michael W. Smith, Stephen Curtis Chapman, Casting Crowns, Mark Shultz - oh and just about Good Christian artists for the last 6 or 7 years.
Anyway, while I work, I listen. This morning, I found a website that has wonderful videos that also tell the messages with visuals. Here's one I found that just settled me.
So, while I get back into work today, I hope and pray that a little "GodTube" channels it's way into your life, and you can be blessed to take in a little more Him while the world is trying to overwhelm you with every other channel in this life.